Pandemic-hit Employees Are Tired – How Can Employers Help?

Pandemic-hit Employees Are Tired - How Can Employers Help FI

The challenge of balancing work and home life in the last two years has taken its toll and employee energy levels are low A recent article in Personnel Today describes the harsh realities facing the workplace as we move into yet another phase of the Covid pandemic.  After two years of adaptation, challenge and disruption […]

How can businesses help employees beat the “January Blues”?

January Blues

With Christmas already a distant memory, and most employees “back at the coal face”, January can be a particularly bleak month, especially for those with existing mental health issues. Add to this, the gloomy weather and our tight purse strings, January is bad enough but when you combine it with a Monday, you get something else […]

Staying safe at Christmas

Staying Safe at Christmas FI

According to the RoSPA, more than 80,000 people go to A&E each year for Christmas-related accidents and over 6,000 of these need to be admitted. Read on for some simple but useful Christmas safety tips: Do…. Don’t… The Riskex team wish you a safe and happy Christmas.

Riskex research changes in COVID-19 symptoms as variants emerge

Riskex research changes in COVID-19 symptoms as variants emerge FI

Official NHS list may need to be expanded as symptoms are changing and cases could be missed The Riskex team are researching the changes in COVID-19 symptoms that are being reported around the world as variants emerge, and patients report their experiences.  A recent SKY News article explains the concerns in more detail, and personal […]

Long Working Hours Killing 745,000 People Per Year, Study Finds

Long working hours

We all know how important maintaining a healthy work-life balance is. There has been much discussion on the subject in recent times with an increasing number of employees now reporting that they are working longer hours at home than they were in the office.  Everyone knows how important it is to switch off from work […]

Coping with post-lockdown Covid Anxiety

Coping with post-lockdown Covid Anxiety

As lockdown restrictions continue to ease, a return to “normal” feels in reach – with many eager to return to the office, social mixing and other activities outlawed during lockdown.   For some, this return to the old ways has been met with joy and anticipation… but for others, the readjustment is daunting and uncomfortable. It […]

Stress Awareness Month 2021

Stress awareness FI

The month of April has been designated as Stress Awareness month, a national event started in 1992. During this time, health care professionals and health promotion experts aim to bring awareness to the causes and damaging consequences of unchecked levels of stress. 2020 was a turbulent year for mental health, as the Covid-19 pandemic caused […]

Free rapid testing for all businesses in England – regardless of size

lateral testing FI

The Government has announced it will supply free lateral flow antigen testing kits, as part of it’s drive to support businesses to operate safely. The testing kits will be made available to all businesses, including SME’s. These tests provide results within 30 minutes without the need to send them to a laboratory (unlike a PCR […]

Lone working: HSE Guidance on Lone Working

Lone working article

As a health and safety professional, you hold a pivotal role in safeguarding the well-being of employees, including those engaged in lone working. The responsibility extends beyond the immediate workplace environment, encompassing the unique risks and challenges faced by lone workers. Managing these risks requires a proactive approach, integrating robust training, effective supervision, and continuous […]

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