Manual Handling Software

The AssessNET Manual Handling management solution helps to ensure your employees and contractors understand the workplace risks in relation to lifting and carrying activities, and how to avoid injury.

Worker in a hi vis vest carrying a box in a warehouse.

Understanding the risks of lifting and carrying, and how to avoid injury is crucial. Equally important is assessing processes and putting appropriate control measures in place to reduce risk as much as possible.

A previously tedious process of assessment has been streamlined into a simple task, that effectively identifies and logs risks associated with day to day work activities.

Save time creating and reviewing assessments:

  • Use the Manual Handling software to share step-by-step question sets, generating answers based on Low, Medium or High risk categories, colour coded for ease of viewing
  • Calculate overall risks automatically using the built-in risk matrix
  • Assign actions, track their progress, and review the outcomes in the assessment report
  • Hide sections ensuring only the important information is visible at all times
    Maintain historical editions to track changes and review progress at each review
  • Increase the privacy of assessments for sensitive processes
Mobile phone with a screenshot of the Manual Handling software module in AssessNET.
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A laptop, computer, tablet and Mobile phone all with a screenshot of the Manual Handling software module in AssessNET.

Access management reporting information relevant to your business:

  • Dashboards provide valuable insights to help you prioritise relevant aspects of strategic risk management
  • Automatic reminders are sent out when manual handling reviews are due
  • Assessments are linked with incidents so that they can be tracked

Easy to complete and manage:

  • Generate simple and easy to understand manual handling outputs, which enable employees to fully understand what risks are involved, and which to be most aware of during their day-to-day activities
  • Access Manual Handling Risk Assessments quickly via our Employee Portal
  • Create actions that are targeted to reduce the risks involved
  • Track action progress, and review the outcomes in the assessment report
A tablet with a screenshot of the Manual Handling software module in AssessNET.

Key Features of our Manual Handling Software

Configurable matrix

Apply a risk matrix to align with your policies and processes

ISO Compliance

Rely on full version control for traceability, transparency, ISO 45001 and HSG65 compliance

Attach documents

Attach supporting documents, images and notes

Quick and easy

Complete the Manual Handling assessments quickly and easily, with minimal typing required

Link assessments

Link assessments to associated incidents via integration with your Incident module

Portal access

Provide quick access to assessments via our easy-to-use Employee Portal


Worker giving first aid to staff suffering an injury.
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