Innovative Health
and Safety Software

A laptop and a mobile displaying the AssessNET software homepage.

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About Us

A warehouse with floor to ceiling racking and two yellow forklifts.

Keeping people safe and well at work is our passion.

Our flagship Health and Safety software, AssessNET is used by organisations across the UK and globally to reduce risk by streamlining compliance processes, gathering better safety data and providing total visibility on the performance of risk management initiatives at a strategic level.

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Popular AssessNET Health and Safety Software Modules

Mobile phone with a screenshot of the Risk Assessment software module in AssessNET.

Risk Assessment

Ensure your employees and contractors understand the workplace risks pertinent to your business – and the control measures in place to keep them safe. Our Risk Assessment module enables you to create, distribute and review risk assessments efficiently, saving time and providing assurance that you are continually meeting your legal compliance obligations.

Mobile phone with a screenshot of the COSSH/ SDS software module in AssessNET.


Ensure your employees and contractors understand the workplace risks when working with chemicals and dangerous substances. Our COSHH module has an enhanced SDS functionality, transferring information directly into your COSHH assessments to speed up the creation process.

Mobile phone with a screenshot of the Accident and Incident Reporting software module app in AssessNET.

Accident and Incident Management

The Accident and Incident module’s powerful capabilities allow you to capture information with ease. The reporting functionality helps you to identify trends to mitigate areas of concern and assign corrective measures, provides real-time insights of your incident data, and has workflows to ensure incidents are managed and reported correctly.

Mobile phone with a screenshot of the Display Screen Equipment (DSE) software module in AssessNET.


All employers must ensure the safety and health of their employees under the Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Regulations 1992. The AssessNET DSE Module provides an intuitive and user-friendly self-assessment tool, complete with online training and an exam. We have recently enhanced our system to reflect the current climate whereby many employees are working from home.

Mobile phone with a screenshot of the Permit to Work software module in AssessNET.

Permit to Work

Your duty of care obligations to keep workers safe and well extend beyond your own employees to cover 3rd party contractors and suppliers. The AssessNET Permit to Work module enables users to create, request and manage permits for high risk works.

Core System Functions

Document Manager

Our intuitive Document Manager module allows Users to store and organise files within AssessNET, share with others and provide linkage to other modules. View more details 


The AssessNET Portal enables your entire population of employees and contractors to benefit from the core functionality of AssessNET, so that they can efficiently report incidents, access risk assessments view and documents, without having to log in to the main system. View more details 

Dashboards and Reporting

Every AssessNET module comes with simple dashboards and configurable reports, allowing you to maintain a real-time view of your data. View more details 

Task Manager

Helps you to keep control of daily activities across your teams, by allowing you to create, delegate and monitor the progress of actions. View more details 


Streamline business processes, trigger workflows, and derive insights through the secure and simple exchange of data via AssessNET’s API. View more details 

Business Intelligence Reporting (BI)

Gain insights into your Health and Safety data using the advanced business analytics tool in AssessNET. View more here

What's New

*NEW* Riskex Community Forum
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Riskex Annual Health and Safety Conference
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Blog: 8 Benefits of Integrating Health and Safety eLearning into Your Safety Strategy
Here are some key benefits of integrating health and safety eLearning into your training program
A Practical Guide to Carrying out Effective Toolbox Talks
Checklist for Writing Engaging Health and Safety Management Reports
Some key areas to consider within your reports

Useful Resources

Explainer Videos

Who are Riskex and what do we do? What are the key features and benefits of AssessNET? Get the answers to these questions and more by watching our short explainer videos.

Building the business case for EHS Software

Download our practical guide for EHS Professionals on the topic of gaining stakeholder buy in to invest in health and safety software. This free guide is designed to help you navigate the procurement process and covers topics including:

  • Undertaking a stakeholder mapping analysis
  • What to include in your business case
  • How to articulate the return on investment
A tablet displaying the front page of a guide to Stakeholder buyin for the health and safety software process.

What our clients say about us


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Riskex Annual Health & Safety Conference 2025

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