Project Management (including RAMS)

Grant permission to conduct work on-site, using AssessNET’s powerful templating and processing tools.

An excavator on a construction site.

An Effective RAMS file goes beyond creating the risk assessments and associated method statements related to a job, and that’s where AssessNET's RAMS software comes into it’s own

The AssessNET RAMS software draws key compliance information from relevant AssessNET modules to create a complete health and safety pack, allowing for a holistic view of the risks and control measures pertinent to any project, activity or process.

Streamline health and safety processes associated with a task-specific Safe System of Work (SSoW):

  • Centralise key compliance information into one point of truth
  • Associate actions and pertinent notes
  • Bring all actions, notes and lessons learnt together into one RAMS file
  • Allocate and review the status of tasks to optimise efficiencies and maintain visibility of compliance
Mobile phone with a screenshot of the RAMS software module in AssessNET.

Still in the early stages?

Download our Datasheet to find out more about AssessNET’s Method Statement Module 

A laptop, computer, tablet and Mobile phone all with a screenshot of the RAMS software module in AssessNET.

Effectively identify and control health and safety risks and maintain legal compliance:

  • Create a consolidated Risk Rating for an entire project based on all Risk Assessments relevant to it
  • View your RAMS dashboard for an instant view of the status of all RAMS files, helping you to prioritise your high-risk projects and processes
  • Identify pending and outstanding actions quickly and set escalation notifications on overdue tasks

Enhance your Tender processes:

  • Clients who adopt the AssessNET Permit to Work module can link Authorised Permits to RAMs project files to satisfy Tender requirements
  • Create a comprehensive health and safety pack to share key compliance information with third parties, including contractors and prospective clients
A tablet with a screenshot of the RAMS software module in AssessNET.

Key Features of our RAMS Software

Record lessons learnt

Record lessons learnt throughout the lifecycle of the RAMS

Automatic notifications

When tasks and reviews are due, relevant users are notified

Auto archiving

Auto archiving of attached information to ensure records are true to life at the time of assessment

Link items to assessments

Link notes, actions and reports to relevant Assessments

ISO Compliance

Full version control for traceability, transparency, ISO 45001 and HSG65 compliance

Multiple languages supported

Multiple languages are supported, with automatic translation via the application of a language pack

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