Ah, the dreaded afternoon slump – that time of day when your energy levels plummet faster than a lead balloon, and your productivity takes a nosedive. But fear not! Before you resort to caffeine overload or a sugar binge, consider these 10 superfoods that can give your productivity a much-needed boost. Say goodbye to the slump and hello to a more productive you!
1. Salmon

Fatty fishes are excellent for productivity. They are high in Omega 3 fatty acids which is particularly good for improving memory and mental performance. It is also loaded with high quality protein, which is key to sustaining energy throughout the day.
Tip: When you fuel your body with adequate protein, you will experience fewer crashes and increased mental performance.
Salmon also contains vitamin D, which helps regulate your mood and improve your energy levels, which is especially important in the winter months.
2. Berries

Berries are antioxidant-rich and high in polyphenols and found to be the best food for boosting cognitive function and supporting a healthy brain. Antioxidants also help prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. All berries are also a good source of vitamin C, which has been shown to manage anxiety and stress.
3. Nuts

Nuts are an excellent source of protein, which as mentioned is great for increasing your mental performance. Nuts also contain natural fat, are an antioxidant, a great source of Vitamin E and an amino acid rich food, which means they’ll give your body the natural increase in memory and brain performance you need to make it through the day. Some of the best nuts to eat include Almonds and walnuts.
4. Green Tea

Green tea is a natural energy enhancer. One of the most effective types of green tea for boosting energy production is matcha, which has become increasingly popular.
Interesting fact about Matcha – Farmers shade the plants used for matcha for most of the growth period and this lack of direct sunlight increases chlorophyll production which is what makes it so rich in amino acid, providing the natural energy boost.
Matcha is unique because the entire green tea leaf is ground into a fine powder and consumed, unlike other teas where leaves are submerged into hot water to steep, which means you are ingesting the whole leaf and receiving all the fibre and polyphenols the plant has to offer.
5. Dark chocolate

This one may surprise some, but the caffeine in dark chocolate will help you feel more energetic, and the magnesium content provides a natural stress reliever. Dark chocolate also contains flavanols, an antioxidant that can enhance blood flow to the brain and therefore improve cognitive function and boost memory and concentration.
6. Water

Although not technically a food, water is essential for enhancing productivity in the workplace. Being made up of more than 70% of water, every function in our body depends on it function. You need to replenish lost liquid throughout the day, otherwise your brain will suffer the consequences!
7. Eggs

As a rich source of choline which is an organic, water-soluble nutrient required to stimulate the brain’s reactive sensors, they have been proven to aid faster reaction times and enhance memory. They also contain an amino acid that is known to stimulate energy production.
8. Wholegrains

Examples of whole grains include wholewheat oats, brown rice and bread, quinoa, buckwheat and bulgur. Whole grains are complex carbohydrates, so they provide a steady stream of glucose, keeping your brain fueled for longer periods without causing a crash.
Brown rice for example contains a high level of magnesium, which is proven to relieve stress and boost productivity.
9. Bananas

Like wholegrains, bananas are a complex carbohydrate, so their natural glucose increases your activity and improves your creativity, focus and thought process. Apples also have a very similar effect!
10. Spinach

Spinach contains vitamins, magnesium, iron and calcium. It is a low-carb food, so therefore low in calories, but helps reduce stress and anxiety and improves vision and focus, as well as helping you feel more energetic.
In conclusion
Incorporating these superfoods into your daily routine can make a significant difference in combating that afternoon work slump. With their natural energy-boosting properties, these foods not only help you stay focused and productive but also contribute to your overall well-being. So, the next time you feel your energy dipping, reach for one of these superfoods and power through the rest of your day with ease!