Back to Basics: Workplace Stress Risk Management

Our working lives can have a significant impact on our psychological well-being and the current pandemic has shone a spotlight on just how great that impact can be. Employers have the legal obligation to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees under the Health and Safety at Work Act, this extends to cover mental […]
When valentine’s day becomes a health hazard

When valentine’s day becomes a health hazard Keep you and your loved ones safe this Valentine’s Day Burglary: A historical study by Aviva found that there was a 9% increase in home burglary reports on valentines day, with a 12% increase in car burglaries. To keep yourself and your property safe, refrain from posting your […]
How to stay safe on the ski slopes

How to stay safe on the ski slopes In 2021, more than 57,000 injuries were attributed to skiing and snowboarding. Excess speed, loss of control and collisions with stationary objects, like a tree or lift tower, are the most common factors associated with fatalities. As with any activity, there will always be accidents, however the right preparation, […]
Time to Talk Day 2023: Articles, templates, and guidance

Time to Talk Day 2023: Articles, templates, and guidance Time to Talk Day is an annual awareness day with the objective of encouraging people to talk about their mental health. Too often, people who experience a mental health problem are also expected to take the lead on talking about mental health in the wider sense. […]
Winter fire safety in the workplace

Winter fire safety in the workplace As we enter the run-up to Christmas, here is a quick reminder of the top workplace fire risks associated with the festive season – and guidance on how to keep your workforce and business property safe. As you write your December to-do list, make sure that reviewing your Fire […]
The HSE release their annual work-related ill-health and injury statistics

The HSE release their annual work-related ill-health and injury statistics Work-related injuries and new cases of ill health (excluding long latency illness) totalled an estimated cost of £18.8bn to the UK economy in 2019/20 According to the recently-released HSE annual work-related ill-health and injury statistics, Stress and Mental Health is the Number one Cause of […]
Winter conditions: keeping your workforce safe

Winter conditions: keeping your workforce safe As temperatures across the UK plummeted this week, and wintery conditions really do start to set in, now is the time to ensure that you understand how to keep your workforce safe and well by effectively managing the risks associated with Winter. Below we summarise the different winter hazards […]
Blue Wednesday 2022

Blue Wednesday 2022 Today (Wednesday 16th November 2022) is Blue Wednesday, an annual awareness day which aims to raise awareness of mouth cancer, educate people on the early warning signs and encourage people to regularly check for the symptoms. I’m sure we all know about blue Monday, supposedly being the saddest day of the year. […]
Is your Business Prepared for a Power Outage?

Is your Business Prepared for a Power Outage? As power cuts may hit the UK this winter, learn how to minimise the disruption, and stay compliant and safe. With the world in turmoil, there have been dire predictions of the UK being plunged into darkness this winter, possibly on a rolling basis to save energy. […]
When Is a Crowd Likely to Become Dangerous?

When Is a Crowd Likely to Become Dangerous? Halloween tragedies of at least 154 dead in South Korea, Bridge collapse kills 135 in India –how to stay safe in a similar situation. The world has been shocked by the awful news of at least 154 people dead, and dozens more injured in the narrow streets […]