5 Tips for Safe Summer Break Shutdowns

5 Tips for Safe Summer Break Shutdowns As summer approaches, many workplaces plan to shut down for a well-deserved break. While employees eagerly anticipate this time to relax and recharge, it is essential for organisations to prioritise key safety considerations for the upcoming shutdown. Here are some crucial factors that employers must address to ensure […]
Workplace Wearables: What are they and why is their use on the increase?

Workplace Wearables: What are they and why is their use on the increase? Safety wearables are devices designed to enhance personal safety and provide real-time monitoring and feedback to individuals in hazardous environments or risky situations. These wearables incorporate advanced sensors, communication capabilities, and data processing technology to detect and respond to potential threats and […]
Is Your Mobile Phone to Blame for Pain?

Is Your Mobile Phone to Blame for Pain? Beware of ‘text neck’ and other physical problems that are becoming endemic In today’s world, mobile phones have become a vital part of our lives, and it’s hard to imagine life without them. However, as much as we love them, they also have a downside. Over the […]
The Health Risks of Hybrid Working

The Health Risks of Hybrid Working Is the UK’s workforce unwittingly heading for catastrophe in years to come? Working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic was initially a temporary emergency measure, that has undoubtedly changed the employment landscape. When considering hybrid working as a permanent policy, health and safety cannot be overlooked. You might think […]
Clarkson’s Farm Safety Fail

Clarkson’s Farm Safety Fail Clarkson’s Farm 2 is the number one show on Amazon, and Health and Safety (how not to do it) is a key theme of the series. Fans of the show have been quick to praise the second series, as Clarkson attempts to turn Diddly Squat Farm into a profitable business. Classic Clarkson […]
The Importance of Fire Awareness and Prevention Measures

The Importance of Fire Awareness and Prevention Measures Worldwide, fire and explosions cause the largest losses for businesses. Around 70% of businesses fail within three years of a major fire. Thus, when it comes to fire, prevention is clearly much better than cure. But it’s impossible to predict when, where and why a fire may […]
Harmful plants: how to manage the Risks

Harmful plants: how to manage the Risks As the clocks have gone forward and the evenings are lighter, many of us will begin to venture out for evening walks and pottering in the garden…..do you know which plants are harmful to either humans or animals? Thankfully, serious poisoning by plants is uncommon in the UK, […]
Possession of laughing gas to be made a criminal offence

Possession of laughing gas to be made a criminal offence As a staggering statistic, three and a half tonnes of nitrous oxide canisters were collected at Notting Hill carnival in London in 2022. Nitrous oxide is a gas used for anaesthesia and pain relief in medical and dental procedures, and in the catering industry where […]
Health and safety risks of an ageing workforce – what employers need to know

Health and safety risks of an ageing workforce – what employers need to know Recent protests against raising the pension age in France highlight issues facing employers As the global population continues to age, many companies are faced with an ageing workforce. While this trend can bring valuable experience and knowledge to the workplace, it […]
Take time to review and “Spring clean” your Risk Assessments

Take time to review and “Spring clean” your Risk Assessments Reviewing and updating your Risk Assessments should be carried out whenever there is a change to processes or personnel that might indicate a change in hazards and associated Risks – or in any event, at least annually. So why not make this spring your dedicated […]