HSE Launches Working Minds Campaign to Promote Good Mental Health at Work

Work-related stress and poor mental health risk becoming a health and safety crisis for UK’s workplaces, HSE has warned. While the full impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is yet to be fully understood, mental health issues are the number one reason given for sick days in the UK. Last year more than 17 million working […]
Is there a post-pandemic opportunity to embrace a healthier work culture?

We review the SHP article, where they speak to Kate Morris and Clare Solomon, Consultants at Tribe Culture Change. Tribe’s recent Crisis Culture Report looked at how people were affected by the change to working from home, rather than being office-based. Some benefited from avoiding long commutes and believed they were more productive; others couldn’t […]
Aligning Technology with Emerging Health and Safety Risks: Riskex Webinar in Association with SHP

We are delighted to announce that we have teamed up with SHP and a panel of our clients to host a webinar on 17th November 2021, exploring emerging risks and how technology is becoming increasingly important in managing Risk. We are delighted that several of our clients, including safety leaders from IKEA, Imperial College Healthcare […]
Are work-related accidents increasing as employees return to the workplace?

From a health & safety perspective, bringing employees back into the workplace after months of working from home presents employers with some new challenges and risks that could, if not managed correctly, cause an increase in workplace accidents. Just as it took some time for workers to adjust to working from home at the beginning […]
Perkbox GP Survey Reveals a Staggering Four in Ten Patients Seeking Support for Work-Related Stress and Anxiety had Been Signed-off Work

A recent survey conducted by the global benefits provider, Perkbox uncovered that a staggering 92% of GPs who responded had seen an increase in the number of people seeking medical guidance for work-related mental health issues. Moreover, a staggering four in ten patients seeking work-related stress and anxiety support had been signed-off work. According to […]
8 Compelling Reasons to Digitise your Safety Audits

For several years, globalisation, combined with significant advances in technology has led to a fundamental shift in how health and safety professionals utilise technology to manage EHS compliance. The pandemic has proven a further catalyst for this change, as workforces have adapted to work remotely, and safety-related risks have become more complex in the light […]
Riskex Hires New Head of Sales to Underpin Accelerated Growth in Safety Technology

We are pleased to announce Gareth Godfrey joins Riskex as the new Head of Sales. Gareth brings with him an excellent track record in enterprise SaaS software sales in a diverse range of sectors over the past 17 years. Gareth takes responsibility for the commercial function with a focus on the businesses’ customer success strategy. […]
Managing the vaccination recording status of employees as part of your “Return to Work” strategy

In the UK, employers are permitted to collect health data from employees to the extent that the information is necessary to ensure the safety of the workplace, meaning you are allowed to collect vaccination data – providing the reasons for doing so are in the interest of improving the safety of the business. (https://www.insideprivacy.com/covid-19/covid-19-processing-of-vaccination-data-by-employers/) There […]
IPAF Global Safety Report highlights the need for better “near miss” data

The annual survey conducted by the IPAF (International Powered Access Federation), which analyses the main causes of serious injuries and fatalities occurring when using powered access machines, highlights that more near miss data is needed to improve analysis and help reduce the most common types of serious accidents. The IPAF’s Head of Safety & Technical, […]
Ten Points To Consider When Managing Safety In Warehousing

There are many safety risks associated with working in warehouses, and despite high levels of compliance in the UK, there continues to be work-related fatalities and serious injuries every year. The latest statistics from the HSE reveal that in the reporting period 2022/23, 15 workers lost their lives and a further 29,000 sustained non-fatal injuries […]