Health and Wellbeing – Where Health and Safety is Pivotal

Health and Wellbeing – Where Health and Safety is Pivotal FI

The pandemic created a new work landscape, now organisations see employee health and wellbeing as pivotal to success The past two years have elevated the urgency to put the human element back into the workplace, placing health and wellbeing at the very heart of the corporate agenda. Health and safety professionals are fully aware of […]

Pandemic-hit Employees Are Tired – How Can Employers Help?

Pandemic-hit Employees Are Tired - How Can Employers Help FI

The challenge of balancing work and home life in the last two years has taken its toll and employee energy levels are low A recent article in Personnel Today describes the harsh realities facing the workplace as we move into yet another phase of the Covid pandemic.  After two years of adaptation, challenge and disruption […]

Delivering and assessing the effectiveness of health and safety training in a digital age

Delivering and assessing the effectiveness of health and safety training in a digital age. FI

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires businesses to provide whatever information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of their employees. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 expands upon this, which identifies situations where […]

Service Industries hit hard by work-related stress

Service Industries hit hard by work-related stress FI

According to the most recent annual Labour Force Survey, 822,000 workers in Great Britain suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety (new or long-standing) in 2020/21. Whilst the Coronavirus pandemic has certainly contributed to this worrying statistic, the pre-pandemic numbers have been on an upwards trajectory since 2014. Of the 822,000 workers suffering from work-related […]

Tips to keep your pets safe on St Valentine’s Day

Tips to keep your pets safe on St Valentine’s Day FI

From poisonous treats to toxic flowers, spare a thought for keeping your furry friends safe around St Valentine’s Day Enjoying the unconditional love and companionship of animals has been a huge comfort for millions of families during the last two years of pandemic lockdowns, shielding and restrictions.  With the fun of St Valentine’s Day around […]

UK Government hold off on building more “smart motorways” until safety is assessed

UK Government hold off on building more “smart motorways” until safety is assessed FI

Critics claim the lack of hard shoulders on long stretches of the UK’s motorway network have led to excess deaths, so more research will be carried out For several years concerns have been circulating about the safety of all-lanes running “smart motorways” due to statistics suggesting that they may have led to increased fatalities.  However, […]

Report offers 8 Recommendations for Wellbeing Management

Report offers 8 Recommendations for Wellbeing Management FI

A report published by IOSH has revealed the findings of research into five organisations, analysing their experiences of the ongoing pandemic.  While employees gave many positive examples of organisational interventions, their accounts also highlighted key areas where wellbeing was compromised and where practices could be strengthened in the future. Analysis is presented in three themes: […]

Risks to Water Supply Safety in Buildings Due to Hybrid Working

Risks to Water Supply Safety in Buildings Due to Hybrid Working FI

As the UK Government has once again recommended that we should prioritise working from home, the lengthening pandemic raises new concerns for building safety.  With more workspaces being either moth-balled, or seeing vastly reduced usage, there is a public health concern regarding the design of water systems and how they will be kept in a […]

Lung Cancer Awareness month

Lung Cancer Awareness month (November 2021) FI

As we reach the end of Lung Cancer Awareness month, we thought it was particularly timely to talk about occupational lung disease and the responsibilities that employers have to mitigate and reduce related risks. According to Cancer Research, lung cancer is the third most common type of cancer in the UK (behind breast cancer and […]

Riskex CEO Mark Delo Reflects on our Recent Webinar in Collaboration with SHP

Mark Delo

As CEO of Riskex for the past 20 years, I have had the pleasure of watching AssessNET grow from a single module working on dial-up, to the millions of lines of code that make today’s suite of modules successful in protecting lives and providing compliance solutions for our wide range of clients. The agreement to […]

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