Four Things to Remember for Office Ergonomics

Understand that the space you work in affects how you work, we show how you can get it right With health and wellbeing in the spotlight, combined with hybrid working, ergonomics is an important of part of the working environment. We’ve moved away from “cubicle” design to more open-plan office spaces, but even that can […]
Rome’s Experience of E-scooters Could be a Warning

E-scooters were supposed to fix travel in Rome, but then they became a major problem. CNN’s Barbie Latza Nadeau with Hada Messia reported from Rome: Rome, the eternal city, has been invaded, conquered, and pillaged countless times since its founding nearly 2,800 years ago. Each attack has left scars throughout the city, from the ruins […]
Britain’s Most Dangerous Plant – Giant Hogweed

Hospitals see an increasing number of burns associated with the giant hogweed plant. Described as Britain’s ‘most dangerous plant’, giant hogweed can cause serious health problems and major irritation to skin as its toxins seep deep into your cells. The weed can grow up to 5 metres tall, while each giant hogweed plant can spread […]
Back to Basics: What can employers do to support staff during heatwaves?

This guide provides useful information regarding employers responsibilities to protect their workforce during extreme heat, as well as some useful tips to help safeguard them. Legislation and Guidance Legally, there is no maximum temperature requirement for workplaces. However, temperatures in indoor workplaces are covered by the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, which require […]
Call on Employers to Focus More on Deskless Workers’ Needs

2.7 billion deskless workers worldwide account for 80% of the total workforce In the wake of Covid, employers need to look more closely at ways to engage with their deskless workers, to attract and retain vital front-line staff. With stories of Transport for London tube staff reporting being verbally abused and attacked, and hospitality workers […]
Protecting Pregnant Employees and New Mothers – Know Your Obligations

The HSE update guidance for how employers should protect pregnant workers and new mothers The updated guidelines now make it clear that not only should employers assess the risks of women of childbearing age as part of their general risk assessment, but that they also have a legal responsibility to carry out individual risk assessments for […]
Child’s Feet Suffer Friction Burns in Treadmill Incident

One-year old’s feet are badly burned after they are trapped between the treadmill belt and the base. Recently we came across this story on CPR Kids’ Facebook page, and it’s worth sharing to highlight the risks posed by exercise equipment in the home if it is not supervised, and the potentially dangerous consequences. “Meet Daisy, […]
Incorporating Health and Safety into School Culture

Practical advice for head teachers, and other leaders, about how to make health and safety a priority For some head teachers, the words “Health and Safety”, conjure up complexities of ensuring basic compliance amid a sea of competing priorities. For others, health and safety is an intrinsic element of school culture, with an emphasis on […]
Formula 1 – The Drive Towards a Safer Sport

Evidence shows simple changes to the way risk is managed can lead to positive outcomes In a recent SHP article, author Tim Marsh presented his analysis of the noticeable improvements in driver safety that have been achieved in Formula 1. The sport was making headlines for decades as drivers were tragically killed or injured, and […]
Celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Safely!

Use this handy guide to enjoy a safe street party with your neighbours In celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, many communities will be coming together for the long bank holiday weekend, 2nd to 5th June 2022 for The Big Lunch. Whether you already have a street party planned with your neighbours, or would like […]