We’d like to thank Chelsey, daughter of our CTO James Sharp for choosing to spend the day with us as part of her school’s work experience programme, “Bring Your Child To Work Day”. James began working with our CEO, Mark Delo, when he was just 19, literally building the company and AssessNET from the ground up. Mark, who is Chelsey’s godfather, is keen to support young people and career growth. Riskex has supported Chelsey, a talented and tournament-winning golfer, through sponsorship over several years.

At the end of her day shadowing members of the Riskex team, Chelsey told us, “I really enjoyed seeing the product demonstrations and learning more about how AssessNET helps companies. It was really interesting to see where Dad works and find out about what it’s like to work in an office.”
Chelsey is just one of a number of young people Riskex is supporting – over half our workforce started as apprentices with us, and we continue to invest strongly in apprenticeship schemes.